Unitarian Universalism believes each of us has worth and dignity.  We value diversity in race, sexuality, and gender. This inclusive religious community works for justice and equity for people of color (BIPOC) communities.

UUUC members have deliberated on learning about white privilege and acting to combat the continuation of this oppressive system. As UUs, we have resources through the national UUA to help with decentering whiteness in our worship service, organizing for racial justice in our communities, and more.

UUUC leadership and members of the Social Justice Council have committed to using the “Racial Justice in UU Congregations” rubric In all UUUC program development, congregation growth, financial resources, staff roles, and volunteer work. This rubric covers areas from mission and leadership to worship, pastoral care, religious education, and partnerships. Anti-Racism-Rubric-for-UU-Congregations.pdf (

Resources for Anti-Racism Work

Black Lives Matter to Wisconsin UUs [BLM2WUU]  

 BLM2WUU is a collaboration of five UU congregations in Milwaukee, Waukesha, and Ozaukee Counties. The group facilitates racial justice education within congregations and coordinates and amplifies the UU's voice in racial justice work and actions within the greater Milwaukee metro area.

Love Resists - This UUA campaign gathers people of faith and conscience to resist the criminalization of our neighbors and communities and create a safer, more just, welcoming, and sustainable world. The campaign offers a prophetic approach to responding to the political moment in the United States that criminalizes immigration. Campaign principles include (1) expanding sanctuary-help create safe space, (2) growing solidarity-connect with wider movements and events, and (3) raising your voice-radical truth-telling. For more information and education, check out: 

      Love Resists:

      Racial Justice:

Side With Love Democracy:

The Mosaic is an online hub of connection, resources, and support for Unitarian Universalists dismantling racism and oppression. The Mosaic fosters belonging and liberation in Unitarian Universalist congregations and communities through resources, programs, training, groups, and gatherings.

Support, Connections, and Other Resources for BIPOC UUs: A Guide   (Black, Indigenous and People of Color Unitarian Universalists)  --

Picture from Standing on the Side of Love for immigrant rights at a 2010 rally in San Diego, CA [credit UUA website] UUA Anti-Racism, Multiculturalism, and Belonging -