United Connections

United is committed to bringing our values of service and love into the wider world. For over 140 years, we have stood for equality, freedom, compassion, and justice. Today, we participate in and lead several community efforts to serve those around us and make our world a better and more kind place. We hope you will join us in this effort!

Threads United
A group of dedicated volunteers who create quilts and blankets for the Congregation and beyond! Their work on UU Quilts is displayed in our Sanctuary. Threads United also creates quilts for children and teens in need. All levels of knitting, sewing, and crocheting skills are welcome. Keep an eye on the calendar for meeting dates.

Coat Drive
United collects coats and jackets each fall for those who might go cold during the winter. Collection bins are located at the front of our main doors. 

Blood Drive
Every year, United hosts a Blood Center of Wisconsin blood drive. It is one way to support our local community and offer healing and health to those who need it.

Christmas Clearing Council
In this special holiday project, our Congregation joins the Christmas Clearing Council and commits to buying presents for families who might otherwise be unable to purchase them.

Soul Matters

Soul Matters offers a time for a deeper connection with guided activities, meditations, and intentional listening. The group meets monthly on the second Saturday from 10:30 a.m. to noon. This is a drop-in activity, so come whether or not you have read the packet. The important thing is the people.

Buddhist Study Group
Our Congregation draws from several spiritual traditions. Those who feel drawn to Buddhism meet monthly for meditation and fellowship with Patti Kies.

Little Lending Library
United is proud of its "Little Lending Library" outside our church building near the parking lot.

Food Donations
Our Congregation collects food for those struggling with hunger. We often partner with the Waukesha Food Pantry, which assigns a particular food item for us to donate monthly, although any donations are very much appreciated. A donation bin is in the front hall by the coat rack.

Ongoing Collections
Our Congregation holds ongoing food collections, personal care items, purses, and shoes. Baskets can be found in the main entranceway. All food is donated to the Waukesha Food Pantry, and other items are donated to various organizations, such as
The Hope Center.

Dances of Universal Peace

The Dances of Universal Peace are a spiritual practice that employs singing and dancing the sacred phrases of the world's religions. Through spiritual practices, chants, and movement, dancers take an intentional pause, a reset as much as a rest, to connect with the deep wisdom that can lead to our best selves.

Healing Springs Sangha

The Healing Springs Sangha is part of the Mindfulness Community of Milwaukee, which has been dedicated for over 25 years to creating a mindful community that fosters loving kindness, compassion, joy, and equanimity.