We recognize the benefits of combining our work with social justice partners to impact a Beloved Community more.

Organization Links

  • SOPHIA (Stewards of Prophetic Hopeful Intentional Action)

  • MICAH (Milwaukee Inner-City Congregations Allied for Hope)

  • WISDOM (statewide network of faith-based organizations)

  • WUUSAN (WI Unitarian Universalist Statewide Action Network)

Regional UU Congregations

Victory for Beloved Community!

 MICAH’s [Milwaukee Inner-City Congregations Allied for Hope] We All Belong Campaign is led by religious leaders of all faiths and is open to anyone who rejects hatred, inequality, and oppression and is willing to work for the “Beloved Community.”  Campaign Goals: (a) To educate our congregations and communities about the danger that “Christian” nationalism poses to our democracy and (b) to organize around Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr’s Beloved Community – a society in which all people are valued and respected, and prejudice, oppression, and greed are replaced with friendship and goodwill. Campaign Themes: (1) Protect Democracy, (2) Reject “Christian” Nationalism, and (3)Build the Beloved Community.