UUUC Social Justice Council
“There are so many campaigns, and each is as important as the next that it is difficult to “choose” one from the other because “there is no such thing as a single-issue struggle because we do not live single-issue lives.”” [Audre Lorde]
The SOCIAL JUSTICE COUNCIL at UUUC is a consortium of members and consolidation of work to create a strategic approach to meeting the needs of the community, providing education & engagement, and coordinating efforts to create larger community change by being good stewards of time, talent, and financial support. The Council’s work focuses on the following areas: Advocacy, Anti-Racism (ARC), Social Action, and building a Welcoming Congregation for members who identify as LGBTQIA2s.
We recognize that social justice work encompasses many areas of social change, community involvement, individual engagement, and support for a beloved community. Our work focuses on local, regional, state, and national issues. We offer many ways to get involved and recognize the benefits of combining our work with social justice partners to make a greater impact.
The Council supports the shared UU Values reflected in recent changes to Article II of the Unitarian Universalist Bylaws (principles created at the merger of the American Unitarian Association and the Universalist Association in 1961).
More information on the history of Article II and the Study Commission can be found HERE -- https://www.uua.org/uuagovernance/committees/article-ii-study-commission
The Council meets in the church on the first Sunday of the month after service from 12 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome, and members commit to the projects that best suit them.
There are no requirements or financial support expected to become participants in the Council. Just bring your passion, ideas, and dedication!
How UUUC makes a Difference
Each volunteer's time, talent, and treasure make these projects a success, leading to a tangible impact in our community.
♥ Coordinate the “Share the Plate” initiative, in which the money collected during Sunday Service is divided between UUUC and a nonprofit.
♥ Host or assist in coordinating public events and forums around social justice issues that demand in-depth exploration and discussion.
♥ Welcome those impacted by injustice systems to speak at services.
♥ Walk in parades and attend demonstrations to make our voices heard.
♥ Assist in getting the vote during election time regardless of political affiliation.
♥ Collect and donate hundreds of winter items each year to the Hope Center (Waukesha), toiletry items, and non-perishable food items for local and regional homeless shelters and Waukesha Food Pantry.
And you can, too!