Welcoming and Inclusive Congregation

Unitarian Universalism has committed to welcoming people of all sexual orientations and gender identities. Come as you are.

The UUA Welcoming Congregation Program was started in the 1980s and 90s when the word “welcoming” became a code word for lesbian, gay, and bisexual people. The UUA launched a Welcoming Congregation Program to help learn how to undo homophobia—and later, transphobia (prejudice against transgender people)—in hearts and minds, congregations, and communities.  UUUC has been designated as a Welcoming Congregation for several years. 

We are currently in the renewal process for our “Welcoming Congregation” status.  This will occur during the 2024 calendar year and must be redone yearly to maintain status.

The program was launched in January 2024 and involves implementing the 5 Practices of Renewal: (1) become a Welcoming Congregation, (2) incorporate Welcoming Worship Services, (3) participate in Welcoming Days of Observance, (4) conduct Welcoming Religious Education (for adults and children) and (5) support a local, state or national Welcoming Project.

Resources for Learning about Welcoming Congregations and LGBTQ Advocacy Work

Sign up for UPLIFT, the LGBTQ Ministries and Welcoming Congregations Newsletter.

Sign up for the UPLIFT ACTION newsletter. UPLIFT ACTION is the UUA’s LGBTQIA+, Gender, and Reproductive Justice campaign.

Go to https://www.uua.org/lgbtq/welcoming/program/five-practices-welcome-renewal for more information and resources.