Dances of Universal Peace
United Unitarian Universalist Congregation
506 N Washington Ave, Waukesha, WI
Change is Renewal; Change is Constant; Change is also Letting Go
Join us in sharing an evening of experiencing chants and simple movements that
celebrate this season of fall’s transition outwardly and the call to inner shifting. Explore
through song and dance a variety of traditions’ wisdoms from world religions that honor
a new year beginning at this time, and embrace the joy in acceptance of impermanence.
All dances will be taught, all are welcome, no previous experience necessary
Leaders for the evening will include Certified Leaders Paul Matejcek and Patti Kies.
The Dances of Universal Peace is an international movement and spiritual practice that
relies on prayers from a range of traditions and draws participants into a living
experience of unity, peace and integration. There are no performers, and no audience.
Come as you are, with open mind and heart
If you can talk, you can sing; if you can walk, you can dance. It’s that simple.
Bring comfortable shoes/extra socks/slippers and a water bottle if desired.
A free will offering will be gratefully accepted. An item to place temporarily on the
altar is encouraged.
We’ll begin at 7:00 pm, and end at approximately 9:15.
Contact Patti Kies at