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Sunday Worship

Guest Speaker: Rev. Erich Moraine 

"The World is a Ghetto" 

Please join us along with our guest speaker, Rev. Erich Moraine as we explore social justice as seen through the lens of Zen.


About our speaker: Rev. Erich Moraine is an outreach community minister at Lake Country Unitarian Universalist Congregation in Hartland where he leads the Kintsughi sangha gatherings on Thursday nights. He began his searching in high school, meandering through Taoism, Tai Chi, Hinduism, Theosophy, eventually settling on ordination as a Rinzai Zen priest. Married for 31 years, father to three daughters, and self employed as a research glassblower, he is currently a student of Roshi Meru Danda, and Junpo Denis Kelly Roshi, the founder of the Hollow Bones order.

November 20

Social Actions Committee meeting

November 30

United Book Club